Hampton, Iowa
After I wrote a couple of posts about a disgusting, racist incident that occurred in Hampton, Iowa – The only way out is through – I heard from several friends that I should leave the subject alone. I heard from others that I should do the opposite, but against my better judgment I gave law enforcement and the court some leeway and awaited the justice that they promised would be forthcoming.
Flyer Suspect Given No Jail Time
By Jennifer Burnham, Hampton Chronicle
Five months after posting anti-undocumented immigrant flyers around town, Daniel Embree has been sentenced to two years of supervised probation with the Iowa Department of Corrections. He will not have to serve jail time.
Judge Mark Milder sentenced him during a hearing Monday morning at the Franklin County Courthouse. Embree, 30, of Hampton, had submitted a written plea of guilty on Dec. 4 to eight counts of criminal mischief in the fifth degree (hate crime, serious misdemeanor) and trespass as a hate crime…
The incident took place in August. The flyers he posted on local businesses said, “USA Illegal Immigrant Hunting Permit.”
Judge Milder said if he were to violate the conditions of his probation that he could face 180 days in jail. Along with probation, he will pay nine different fines of $430, which he can pay in payments.
Embree must also complete 100 hours of community service…
Excerpt from Hampton Chronicle Facebook Page, Jennifer Burnham, January 27, 2025
That, however, is not justice, not by a long shot.
What is even more troubling is that Jennifer Burnham published another article on the Hampton Chronicle Facebook page about 2 hours before the story about the sentencing.
Immigration Law Enforcement Confirmed in Hampton
By Jennifer Burnham, Hampton Chronicle
It’s been confirmed that immigration law enforcement is currently in Hampton.
Franklin County Sheriff Aaron Dodd told the Chronicle that he has received multiple calls about immigration law enforcement being in Hampton but that he has not been notified to do anything at this time.
Hampton Police Chief Mark Morrison said immigration law enforcement stopped by the police department earlier today. “Immigration was in contact with us today to educate us on new policies and procedures for individuals who’ve been arrested or are in jail,” he said…
Excerpt from Hampton Chronicle Facebook Page, Jennifer Burnham, January 27, 2025
It is nothing that Jennifer Burnham said, but I am vexed by the irony of these two stories breaking on the same day. Most likely that vexation is because I do not think there is any irony here at all. It makes perfect sense that the immigration cops, let loose on small town Iowa by President Trump and Governor Reynolds, would arrive on the same day that Judge Milder would let Daniel Embree off with a slap on the wrist after his disgusting, racist hate crime last August.
See what I mean? Quite simply, that is not irony, that is a plan.
Moreover, I knew last August that this was no coincidence. I knew then there was no irony here, nor any shred of decency among those who would let this happen or explain it away afterward. There is much to be done to correct the many wrongs here, but I will write more about all of that later.
Those who told me to leave it alone were wrong. And I promise you this, I’m not going to listen to any of that “leave it alone, let it be” bullshit again. I learned my lesson… john